Restorative Yoga Testimonals


"I loved your restorative class! When I started I had a very tight neck and shoulders, and by the time we'd finished it had completely gone.  I think the class set me up for the weekend, which was really busy with wedding preperations. Friday evening I felt very relaxed, and fell asleep by about 9:45pm!"



"Restorative yoga really seems to do what it says on the tin.  I'd been feeling a bit emotional in the previous days and it was wonderful to feel safe in your care and fully relaxed, during and after the experience. Loved the circle, and the candles. Having some time to really focus on me is helping me to support others. Looking forward to future sessions!"



"I love your restorative yoga classes, and find it really helpful to help me reset.  How often do we get time to just sit and nurture ourselves in a safe lovely environment? After the class I felt really good, and after being a little down for a few weeks I felt quite positive and energised."


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© Lucy Burton Yoga